SISTRIX Application

SISTRIX for Google
SISTRIX for Amazon
SISTRIX for Social



Past Incidents

  • Identification of Organic Results in Financial Search Results

    Google recently adjusted the appearance of organic results for certain finance-related keywords. As a result, there were instances where we were unable to accurately identify organic results in all cases. This issue was limited to searches conducted on smartphones and only affected search terms that included specific financial integrations. We are currently working on improving the identification of these organic results and on importing the correct data into SISTRIX.

    2024-10-10: The issue is fixed by today

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Daily visibility data delayed for desktop and mobile

    Daily visibility values for today (2024-07-26) are delayed for desktop and mobile. We are actively working on fixing the data processing.

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Performance Issues

    SISTRIX is currently experiencing service issues. We are actively working on fixing this.

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Identification of organic results on result pages

    Google has made some significant changes to the format of some organic results. In some cases we were unable to analyse the complete SERP. We are now working on a fix that will allow us to fully re-evaluate the SERP.

    2024-05-22: The problem is fixed by today.

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Performance Issues

    SISTRIX is currently experiencing service issues. We are actively working on fixing this.

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Weekly visibility data delayed for desktop and mobile

    Weekly visibility values for today (2024-04-15) are delayed for desktop and mobile. We are actively working on fixing the data processing.

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Issue with knowledge panel recognition

    Google has changed the layout of knowledge panels in SERPs. This is currently causing problems when processing search result pages in SISTRIX. We are actively working on fixing the error and will inform you here when the problem has been solved.

    2024-03-13 09:55: We have already implemented a solution to the problem and are currently in the process of implementing it in our systems. We will inform you here when the process is complete.

    2024-03-15: The issue is fixed by today.

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Service unavailable

    SISTRIX is currently experiencing service issues. We are actively working to fix a security certificate issue and you may see an error message until we fix the issue.

    SISTRIX for Amazon
  • Problems with the availability of the SISTRIX Platform

    Between 11:49 and 12:10 there were problems with the availability of the SISTRIX Platform. The issues have been resolved, we are keeping an eye on the situation and making every effort to ensure that it does not occur again.

  • Live visibility index for DE, AT, SE and TR currently not available

    The data from the live visibility index for Germany, Austria, Sweden and Turkey is currently partially being displayed as showing levels that are too high. We are aware of the problem and are working on a solution.

    2023-10-04 08:50: We continue to work on fixing the root cause of the problem. Until the final solution is implemented, the correct visibility data from Monday, 2023-10-02 will be displayed for the time being.

    2023-10-04 16:00 Correct Live Visibility values are now being shown for Germany (Mobile). We expect the daily data point for tomorrow to be correct based on this as well.

    2023-10-04 20:15 Correct Live Visibility values are now being shown for Austria (Mobile).

    2023-10-05 13:25 Correct Live Visibility values are now being shown for Sweden (Mobile).

    2023-10-05 20:20 Correct Live Visibility values are now being shown for Turkey (Mobile).

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Daily visibility data delayed for DE desktop

    Daily visibility values for today (2023-09-30) are delayed for DE desktop. We are actively working on fixing the data processing.

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Reduced service

    SISTRIX is currently experiencing performance problems in some projects. In some cases, ranking data and project visibility index may not be available. We are currently working on fixing the cause of the problem and making the data available again as quickly as possible.

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Reduced service

    SISTRIX is currently experiencing service issues. We are actively working to  fix server load issues and you may see a maintenance notice as we bring servers back online.

    SISTRIX for Amazon
    SISTRIX for Google
    SISTRIX for Social
  • Daily visibility data (desktop only) delayed for some countries

    Daily visibility values for today (2023-07-11) are delayed for some countries. This affects desktop data only (i.e. not mobile device data) and is limited to these countries: BR, FR, PL. We are actively working on fixing the data processing.

    The problem is fixed and daily visibility data is available for all countries and devices

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Improved calculation of project visibility index

    In order to keep in track with dynamic nature of the Google search results in the future, we have made improvements to the calculation of the project Visibility Index. For most projects, this only results in minor shifts, but for some there may be major changes.
    To ensure historical comparability, we have also recalculated the historical project visibility values for some projects based on the improved calculation.

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Performance Issues

    Unfortunately, SISTRIX for Amazon is currently not available. We are actively working on fixing this.

    SISTRIX for Amazon
  • Ranking changes in onpage projects

    As we are currently working on improvements to the onpage projects, ranking changes may not be displayed correctly. For example, already existing rankings might be marked as “new”. We are actively working on fixing this.

    2023-06-27: The issue is fixed by today.

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Daily visibility data delayed for some countries

    Daily visibility values for today (2023-06-14) are delayed for DE mobile and UK desktop. We are actively working on fixing the data processing.

    2022-06-14: The problem is fixed and daily visibility data is available for all countries and devices.

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Reduced number of Top100 rankings

    For several weeks now, Google has been making efforts to no longer provide 100 organic hits for all keywords and devices. We expect this development to continue in the future and that only 10 to 20 organic hits will be offered by default for most search queries. This development has an impact on the number of measured Top100 rankings in SISTRIX. It has no impact on the visibility index, the determined SEO traffic or the value of SEO traffic.

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Delay in provision of daily visibility data

    Daily visibility data delivery for today (2022-05-28) is delayed for all countries and devices. However, the live visibility index is up to date and available for all countries and devices.

    2022-05-29: The problem is fixed and daily visibility data is available for all countries and devices.

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Daily visibility data (desktop only) delayed for some countries

    Daily visibility values for today (2023-05-19) are delayed for some countries. This affects desktop data only (i.e. not mobile device data) and is limited to these countries: AT, BR, ES, FR, NL, US. We are actively working on fixing the data processing.

    2023-05-22: The issue is fixed by today

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Issue with messaging system

    During August 31, 2022, spam filters for our messaging system were adjusted. The new settings rejected more messages as spam than expected. As a result, not all messages were successfully delivered to us during the period until mid-afternoon, September 5th, 2022.

  • Identification of organic results on local search result pages

    Google has made changes to the appearance of organic results for some keywords. These changes meant that we did not recognise organic results correctly in all cases. Only smartphone search results were affected. Likewise, only search terms that contained a certain type of Local integration were affected. We have since corrected the identification of these organic hits and are importing correct data into SISTRIX.

    SISTRIX for Google
  • SERP integration “People Also Ask” no longer displaces organic hits

    Until now, the SERP integration “People Also Ask” (PAA) has pushed an organic result off the first page of Google search results. While normally ten organic results are displayed on the first page, there were only nine results when the box “People Also Ask” was visible. Google has now modified this approach and displays ten organic results and, additionally, the PAA SERP feature. As a result, the visibility index of many domains increases, as the organic visibility of this box is now distributed.

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Handling of merged results

    Recently, Google has adjusted the appearance of multiple results from the same domain in the mobile SERPs. Whereas these merged hits were previously limited to two results and only took up one of the ten available organic slots on the first page, more organic hits are now also displayed in a results card. Unlike before, however, each of these hits takes the place of an organic slot. We have adjusted the treatment of the results in SISTRIX accordingly. As a result, a few domains with strong brands and a correspondingly large number of organic hits for high-traffic keywords gain noticeably in visibility.

    SISTRIX for Google
  • Performance Issues

    Network problems at one of our providers are currently leading to increased loading times for SISTRIX. The provider is already working on a solution to the problem, and we are keeping an eye on the situation.

    SISTRIX for Amazon
    SISTRIX for Google
    SISTRIX for Social
  • Daily SEO data partially delayed

    During construction work, the backbone connection between two data centres was damaged. The transmission speed between these data centres is therefore currently severely impaired. As a result, the provision of some daily SEO data is delayed.

    SISTRIX for Google